Female cones, fleashy and berry-like. Green when young maturing to blue.
Male cones, small, not berry-like.
The berry-like cone has a pore in the bottom through which the pollin can enter and firtilize the seeds.
Female cone looks like a blue or blue-grey coloured berry.
Not to Be Confused With:
J.horizontalis the other species of Juniper in our region is similar in habit but is easily distinguished by its scale-like leaves.
At treeline, Picea mariana (Black Spruce) sometimes grows in a shrub form and could look like J.communis but Black Spruce never has blue berry-like cones.
The berries (female cones) are readily eaten by most animals.
Dry slopes, open Aspen woods, clearings, alpine.
A scented Wax which can be used for candles can be obtained by boiling the waxy coating off the berries.
Berries yield a brown dye.
A volatile oil distiled from the dried berries is used to make the OTC drug Odrinil to increase urine flow. The oil can be used as a flavouring as well.
Berries used to treat stomach pains. 5 berryies are chewed raw or steeped for 15 mins. in 500ml water and infusion drunk. Repeated for several days.
Disinfectant made with 15 crushed berries are soaked in 250ml alchohol for 24 hours. Then sprayed in room where patients with infectious diseases stayed. Dilute by 1/2 with water and use as a garggle.
Leaves of Junper contain the antibiotic podophyllotoxin which has been found to be active against tumors.
Caution: The berries are not recomended for pregnant women and much use can cause kidney damage.
Berries can be roasted at 120C until dark brown ground to pawder and used as a coffee substitute.
Berries can be used to flavour foods, meet, and stews and un turkey stuffing are the most common uses.
Berries can greatly improve the flavour of spruce beer.
Berries used in Germany to flavour sauerkraut.
In France and India the berries are fermented with barley to make a kind of beer called 'genevrette'.
The berries are the main flavouring in Gin.
The Berries can be eaten raw or used in tea.
To flavour Gin 1kg berries to 400L of Gin.
Traditional Gwich'in:
Traditional Other:
Burning Juniper during childbirth will prevent fairies from substituting the baby with a changeling for the new born.
Cristians concidered it a blessing having sheltered Mary and Jesus in the flight to Egypt.
In dreams the plant itself was concidered unlucky especieally if one was sick. Dreaming of picking the berries in winter meant properity.
In Germany and Italy it was thought to be a life giving tree, thought to disperse evil spirits and protect from witchcraft, as witches encountering a juniper were compelled to count all its leaves.
The Greeks burned the berries at funerals to ward off demons, The green roots were smoked as incense on offerings to the God of Hell.
The Victorian language of the flowers concidered Junipers a symbol of asylum and protection.
To dream of the actual berries meant the dreamer would arrive at a great honours and become an important person.
Used in the Sun Dance Cerimony of the Blackfoot.
Was used as a thief catcher in an elaborite ritual.
Bark used by Ojibwa for weaving mats.
A handful of young sprigs was covered in boiling water steeped overnight and the infusion drunk to cure or prevent scurvy.
Alternatively for arthritis or rheumatism heated damp bundles were bound to aching parts 3-4 times a day.
An infusion of the berries was drunk cold every morning for a week to treat lumbago or impaired digestion.
Branches used as fumigants, deoderizers, and cleansers in connection with sickness.
Brewing or burning boughs was thought to purify a house and protect it from infection and bad spirits after illness or death.
Damp branches were spread on glowing embers and those suffering from arthritis or rheumatism were made to recline on them.
Leaves (needles or scales) were crushed, dampened, heated over the fire and bound to the jaw over an aching tooth. Then kept warm there with a hot stone.
Typical shrub on sunny slope.
Berry-like female cones of differing maturities and 1 not berry-like male cone.
Illustration from: Illustrated Flora of BC
Range Maps
World Range: Circumpolar; In N.A. north to slightly beyond treeline.