Pyrolaceae : Wintergreen Family


Scientific Name:

Kingdom: Plantae

Class: Dicoteldonae (two seed-leaves)

Family: Pyrolaceae (Gk. Pyrus = a pear tree, referring to the leaves resemblene to pear leaves or fruit.)

Genera: 3

Species: 6

Monesis uniflora (One-flowered Wintergreen)

Orthilia secunda (One-sided Wintergreen)

Pyrola asarifolia (Pink Wintergreen)

Pyrola chlorantha (Greenish Wintergreen)

Pyrola grandiflora (Arctic Wintergreen)

Pyrola monir (Lesser Wintergreen)

English Name(s):

Wintergreen Family

Family Traits


  • Plants low herbaceous (not woody) or somewhat shrubby perennials.
  • Stems are leafless but may have a leaf bracts.
  • Leaves simple (one blade) evergreen.
  • Flowers usually perfect (bisexual) and regular in symmetry.
  • Corolla made of 5 separate petals and 5 sepals.
  • Stamens (male parts) usually 10 sometimes 8. with anthers hanging and opening by pores or slits at the tips.
  • Pistils (female parts) single ovaries superior (floral parts attached at base), 5-loculed (chambered), style single.
  • Fruit a dry capsule containing numerous tiny seeds.

Natural History:

  • Average weight of a Pyrolaceae seed is 0.0004mg.

Family Size:


Genera: ?

Species: 44+

North America:

Genera: 4+

Species: 15+


Genera: 3

Species: 6

Illustrated Key To Family

Note: Move cursor over image for note on what to look for. Click on image to enlarge.

Monesis uniflora (One-flowered Wintergreen)

Orthilia secunda (One-sided Wintergreen)

Pyrola asarifolia (Pinkish Wintergreen)

Pyrola minor (Lesser Wintergreen)

Pyrola chlorantha (Greenish Wintergreen)

Pyrola graniflora (Arctic Wintergreen)

Dicotomous Key To Family

  • A: Flowers solitary: Monesis uniflora (One-flowered Wintergreen)
  • A: Flowers few-numerous in raceme (along a stalk):
    • B: Inflorescence (flower clusters) 1-sided: Orthilia secunda (One-sided Wintergreen)
    • B: Inflorescence (flower clusters) cylindrical:
      • C: Anthers (top of male parts) crimson to pink: Pyrola asarifolia (Pink Wintergreen)
      • C: Anthers (top of male parts) yellow:
        • D: Styles (female parts) short, straight, not protruding from the flower: Pyrola minor (Lesser Wintergreen)
        • D: Styles (female parts) longer, curved, protruding from the flower:
          • E: Flowers small, greenish-white, leaves smallish, calyx (sepals) lobes rounded: Pyrola chlorantha (Greenish Wintergreen)
          • E: Flowers large, creamy-white or pinkish, leaves larger, calyx (sepals) lobes somewhat pointed: Pyrola grandiflora (Arctic Wintergreen)



  • Worldwide this genus has one species.

World= 1

N.A.= 1

Yukon= 1

Central Yukon= 1


World= ?

N.A.= ?

Yukon= 1

Central Yukon= 1

Pyrola (Wintergreen)

  • Plants arise from creeping slender rhizomes (stems).
  • Leaves basal, petioled, evergreen.
  • Flowers recemose

World= 40

N.A.= 12

Yukon= 4

Central Yukon= 4

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