Family Traits
Natural History:
Family Size:
Genera: 220
Species: 3000
North America:
Genera: 40
Species: ?
Genera: 13
Species: 32
Castilleja (Indian Paintbrush)
- Tufted perennials.
- From a short weak and branching taproot.
- Partially parasitic on grass-like plants.
- Stems ascending-erect.
- Leaves mostly cauline (on stem), alternate, uppermost ones bractlike and usually highly coloured.
- Flowers irregular in symetry, in spikelike inflorescence (flower cluster).
- Calyx (sepals) united, tubular, 4-lobed.
- Corolla (petals) united, 2-lipped.
- Stamens (male parts) 4 in pairs.
- Seed capsules splitting open lengthwise between the cavity partitions.
- Seeds numerous, wedge or top-shaped, about 1.5-2.0mm long, with a seed coat of large, netted, translucent cells.
- Castilleja (Indian Paintbrush) species are parasitic but are capable of completeing thier life-cycle with out steeling food from other plants.
- Plants in this genus are well suited to the needs of Hummingbirds.
Some researchers think Castilleja (Indian Paintbrush) and Hummingbirds may have evolved together.
Though there are few to no hummingbirds in Central Yukon.
- This genus is puzzling to the taxonomists, due to the variability of charactaristic features, and due to the presence of hybrids in areas where species meet.
World= 200
N.A.= 109
Yukon= 8
Central Yukon= 4
Lagotis (Weasel Snout)
- Somewhat fleshy perennial plants.
- Only one or 2 species have been found in Canada.
World= ?
N.A.= 2?
Yukon= 1
Central Yukon= 1
Pedicularis (Lousewort, Fernweed, Elephant Head)
- Perennial or biennial.
- Inflorescence (flower clusters) terminal bracted, spikes, or spike-like racemes.
- Flowers irregular in symetry.
- Calyx (sepals) tubular, somewhat inflated, 5-lobed.
- Corolla (petals) 2-lipped, upper lip flattened sideways, helmet or beaklike, enclosing the anthers, lower lip 3-lobed.
- Stamens (male parts) 4 in pairs.
- Seed capsules flattened, splitting open lengthwise between the partitions into the central cavity.
- Seeds large, relatively few per plant.
- All species in this genus are partial parisites with no outward sing of differeing with normal self-supporting plants.
- Their blossoms are typical bee flowers, with landing platforms, abundant nectar, and bright colours.
- It is interesting to note that Pedicularis (Louseworts) and Bombus (Bumblebees) share the same geographic range.
World= 600
N.A.= 40
Yukon= 10
Central Yukon= 8
Penstamon (Beard-tongue)
- Perennial plants.
- From a branching caudex (base).
- Flowers irregular in symetry.
- Calyx (sepals) 5-parted.
- Corolla (tubular), 2-lipped.
- Plants of this genus have a 5th stamen (male part), though this 5th stamen apparently lacks and anther (pollen making part).
World= 300
N.A.= 210
Yukon= 2
Central Yukon= 1
Synthyris (Kitten-tails)
- Only one species found in Canada.
World= ?
N.A.= 2
Yukon= 1
Central Yukon= 1
Veronica (Speedwell, Brooklime)
- Low perennials or annuals.
- With rhizomes (underground stems) or non-rooting stolons (runners).
- Leaves all cauline (on stem), opposite eachother.
- Flowers small, blue or white, essentailly regular in symetry.
- Calyx (sepals) 4-lobed, seperate or nearly so.
- Corolla (petals) irregularily 4-lobed, the upper lobe largest.
- Seed capsules obcordate (inverted heart) in shape, flattened, splitting open lengthwise along interior partitions.
World= 300
N.A.= 30
Yukon= 4 (7 counting garden escapes)
Central Yukon= 2
Illustrated Key To Family
Note: Move cursor over image for note on what to look for. Click on image to enlarge.
Dicotomous Key To Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family)
- A: Stamens (male parts) 2:
- A: Stamens (male parts) 4:
- E: Upper lip of corolla (petals) forming a hood:
- F: Upper stem leaves green: Pedicularis (Louseworts)
- F: Upper stem leaves highly coloured and bract-like:
Castilleja (Indian Paintbrush)
- G: Bracts violet to purple: C. raupii (Raup's Indian Paintbrush)
- G: Bracts yellowish:
- H: Middle stem leaves lobed:
C. hyperborea (Northern Indian Paintbrush)
- H: Middle stem leaves not lobed:
- I: Leaves linear; side calyx (sepal) lobes much shorter than tube: C. yukonis (Yukon Indian Paintbursh)
- I: Leaves lanceolate, attenuate-cordate; side calyx (sepal) lobes as long as tube or longer:
C. caudata (Pale Indian Paintbrush)
- E: Upper lip of corolla (petals) not forming a hood:
Penstamon gormanii (Gorman Tungue-beard)
Dicotomous Key To Pedicularis (Louseworts)
- A: Corolla (petals) yellow:
- B: Stems branched: P. labradorica (Labrador Lousewort)
- B: Stems simple (unbranched):
- C: Upper lip of corolla (petals) with a toothed beak:
P. Lapponica (Lapland Lousewort)
- C: Upper lip of corolla beakless:
- D: Inflorescence (flower cluster) Capitate (in a head), Few flowered:
P. capitata (Few-headed Lousewort)
- D: Inflorescence (flower cluster) spicate (in a spike), many flowered:
P. Oedera (Oeder Lousewort)
- A: Corolla (petals) pink or purple:
- E: Cauline (stem) leaves whorled or opposite: P.Verticillata (Whorled Lousewort)
- E: Cauline leaves alternate or missing:
- F: Upper lip of corolla (petals) dark purple; with 0-2 stem leaves:
P. sudetica (Sudeten Lousewort)
- F: Upper lip of corolla pink; with many stem leaves:
- G: Flowering spike densly white-woolly: P. lanata (Woolly Lousewort)
- G: Flowering spike glabrous or nearly so:
P. Langsdorfii (Langsdorf's Lousewort)