Nectaries about half as long as the stipes (stalks).
Bracts narrowly oblong, acute to attenuate (tappering to a point), light to dark brown or bicolour, pubescent (hairy) with long hairs.
Not to Be Confused With:
Are insect pollenated. Both male and female flowers have nectaries to attract pollenating insects.
Male pollen is also brightly coloured red or yellow to attract insects.
Several types of galls can be seen on willows.
These are deformations of plant tissue caused by the physical actions or chemical secretions of insects.
Willow Roses are a type of gall that grows on some species of willow.
It is caused by the larvae of Cecidomyia rosaria.
The larvae through chemical secretions cause the leaves of the bud to grow in a rose petal like fashion.