Utricularia minor (Lesser Bladderwort) which is a generally smaller plant or
Utricularia intermedia (Flat-leaved Bladderwort) which has its leaves and bladders on separate branches.
Turions or winter buds, which form at the tip of branches, drop off in autumn when the branch dies and fall to the bottom where they will sprout new plants the following spring.
Bladders act as both floats and insect traps.
Bladders are born on the branches will act as floats by filling with gas when the plant is ready to flower.
Once bouyant the plant foats up from the bottom to the surface where its flowering stalk can rise out of the water.
Bladders can retain enough water to keep the plant alive for a long period if the pond dries up.
Bladders have appendages on the sides at their enterance.
These appendages are triggered by prey swimming past.
They cause the enterance to open sucking in water and the prey with it.
Once prey are inside the entereance closes and digestive enzymes are released into the bladder.
Life Cycle:
Perennial from over-wintering turions (plant buds) or winter buds.